Connect Education Services
Free Initial Phone Conversation
This will allow us to discuss your concerns and let you know how we can help.
Remote Consultation
This includes:
(1) Informal testing and assessment of your primary concerns
(2) Developing an individualized plan specific to your child’s needs
(3) Teaching you, via video conference, how to implement the plan
We will come alongside you and partner with you for the entire school year.
Follow-Up Appointments
Regular follow-up appointments after your consultation to answer questions and make sure your child is progressing as he or she should be.
Email & Phone Support
You may email or call 303.680.5551 with specific questions throughout the year.
$695 for remote consultation
This includes one full year of follow-up appointments and support.

“Thank you for your time the other day. We have hope, a direction and will begin to implement as we planned.”